I wanted to create an event that attracted a bevy of thoughtful future-oriented doers in the audio space, one that offered new ideas, inspiration, and compelling Q&A for radio, online radio, digital audio, and podcasting (I’m only pretending those are separate categories, of course). I also wanted to create an event that folks would be proud to attend not only because of the information and the networking, but also because it was just plain fun.
Here are some images from hivio 2014:
Tech galore – we’re streaming live here:

Craig Bruce, Southern Cross Austereo’s Head of Content, talks about the biggest media brand in Australia – a radio show – and gives some great lessons on the importance of talent.

Our morning surprise: “Go big or go home” means the Force is always with us!

Our afternoon surprise! YouTube superstar Randall the Honey Badger guy attacks Albright, O’Malley, and Brenner’s Becky Brenner while talking up his new podcast, Honey Badger’s Badass Animal Podcast on PodcastOne.

Teen YouTube sensation Andrea Russett and L&L’s Phil Becker tells us how she got 50 million YouTube views

InnoVision LLC’s Ric Militi – being watched in Denmark via our live stream. Thanks Denmark!

Super smart AGOGO founder J.D. Heilprin walks us through his amazing platform:

Former Pixar story artist Emma Coats told us how to make great stories – and why early versions of all Pixar movies suck. “We worry if they don’t suck,” she said.

Thanks to Jaime Solis who helped me put all this together, to the entire tech crew, and to everyone in the audience and all who participated onstage with me.
Thanks also to those of you who tuned in online. There were lots of you!
You can watch a replay of the live stream now if you don’t mind the occasional streaming hiccup, but if you’re patient I’ll be publishing all the amazing Q&A’s over the next few weeks in HD quality.
Want to be in the loop on all things hivio? Go here and sign up (that’s where you can find the live video and tons of social media interaction, too).
hivio 2014 – that’s a wrap!