mramsey1Dec 11, 2017What Christmas Means for RadioThe title of the (somewhat cheeky) Washington Post piece said it all: “We can’t take any more of 2017, so we’ve turned to the Hallmark...
mramsey1Dec 14, 2015What if Christmas Music on Radio Isn’t Popular After All?The routine is familiar: At least one radio station in every market flips to “All Christmas” music around Thanksgiving, thus dominating...
mramsey1Dec 23, 2014Why You Should BotherWhat does it have to do with your core business? Why should you even bother? We’re stretched too thin. There’s no time. You might think...
mramsey1Dec 21, 2011Radio Spreads the Meaning of ChristmasI’m always on the lookout for great things broadcasters do that make a difference in the lives of their consumers – the things that make...
mramsey1Dec 23, 2009A Holiday WishAs we wind down 2009, thanks for being part of the community of people who follow and contribute to this blog and the other social media...
mramsey1Oct 10, 2008Christmas Music on the Radio 2008With the extreme turbulance in our economy today, here’s my prediction: This will be the biggest year for Christmas music on the radio...
mramsey1Dec 19, 2007Happy HolidaysPosts will be scarce from now until the end of the year, and that’s as it should be. I want to thank you for paying attention over the...
mramsey1Jul 30, 2006Why Christmas music worksAsk a gaggle of broadcasters why Christmas music works on the radio and they’ll tell you “because it’s the Christmas season.” And they...