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Radio Spreads the Meaning of Christmas

I’m always on the lookout for great things broadcasters do that make a difference in the lives of their consumers – the things that make radio unlike anything else.  This video came across my email this week and is squarely in that category.

Wally is a terrific personality with Christian broadcaster WAY Media and is syndicated to a slew of stations across the country.  Recently, he collaborated with artists TobyMac, Building 429, Sidewalk Prophets, Jamie Grace, Fireflight, Mikeschair, Me In Motion and Sixteen Cities to spread the message of Christmas.

This spirited reading of Luke 2 from the New Living Translation of the Bible is the result.

Every participant shared and signed a Christmas scarf. That autographed scarf is now being auctioned off to benefit Operation Christmas Child to carry the hope of Christmas to children in need around the world.  You can bid on the scarf here.

As we wind down the year and hit “pause” for Christmas, as we fret over the rites of gift-giving and family gatherings, it’s good to remember the origin of it all.

Enjoy the video:

It comes to you not from Spotify or Rdio.  Not from Pandora or Slacker.  Not from SiriusXM or Google Music.  Not from Twitter or Facebook.

It comes to you from a talent with an idea and an audience that cares.

It comes from radio.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

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