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Mediacize This: Radio, Your Clients are Becoming “Media”

One of the greatest challenges for ALL traditional media – radio, TV, and print – is what I’m calling the “mediacizing” of brands.”

As our client brands create content via media these brands become media, and as brands become media we have to ask: Where does that leave traditional media brands? Will big brands need radio (or TV or print) when they are their own media and can create their own content?

Just today, the New York Times reports on the “mediacizing” of Oreo, a Times Square event to commemorate the end of a 100-day social media campaign celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Oreo cookie

Media Buyer & Planner Today opines:

Kraft has received huge publicity worldwide over the course of the campaign for its innovatively designed cookies. More than 27.9 million people now “like” Oreo on Facebook after seeing their daily creations. It’s been a very creative use of social media, and the live event adds the icing to the event.

Put another way:  Kraft’s Oreo doesn’t just buy or earn media.  Oreo IS media.

Wait, what do I mean by “media”?  I mean the mass aggregation of attention once possible only because traditional media made it possible.

It’s a big challenge for the future of media. How should radio rise to this challenge?


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