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Digital Transformation for Radio and Media – Mindgruve CEO Chad Robley

My talk with digital trend-setter Chad Robley is one of the opening sessions from hivio 2013, the inaugural radio ideas festival in San Diego.

Chad is CEO of Mindgruve, a digital agency whose clients include brands like Proctor & Gamble, House of Blues, Oracle, Merck and Live Nation.

Watch as Chad describes:

  1. The importance of content in any digital play, and how integrating that content into the everyday lives of consumers is the best way to move them (not “speaking at them” as ads do).

  2. His groundbreaking digital platform work for radio’s Jim Rome, and how “as Big Radio got a hold of it, they started to unravel the whole thing.”

  3. The importance of getting your heads out of radio to do better radio.

  4. How your company needs to behave like a startup because talent wants to work in a culture of innovation.

  5. The rules you should use to evaluate what kind of app (if any) you build.

  6. What brands and strategy really are – what what they are not.

This is a must-view Q&A. Just click on the video image below or play the video.

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else. You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).

Thanks to our partner Spring House Media, whose support helped make hivio 2013 possible.

If your brand wants to sponsor any of the forthcoming videos from hivio, spots remain available. Contact Jaime Solis for more information.

And if you want a first look at hivio videos, exclusive content (such as the slide decks from all presentations), and early access to updates and invites for hivio 2014, go here and sign up.

Over the coming weeks I’ll be rolling out each individual presentation and Q&A from hivio. Stay tuned!

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