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And the Future of Radio and Podcasting Talent is…


Valerie Geller is a talent coach second to none. She works worldwide, coaching personalities in podcasting, radio, and television.

In this standout Q&A from hivio, the audio future festival, I talk with Valerie about how to coach and develop great talent and where to find the future of audio talent.

Among the questions we address:

  1. How can talent communicate more powerfully?

  2. How can talent tell stories without making it “all about me?”

  3. How to sustain engagement over a period of time?

  4. How can I do it shorter – to match the attention span. How to break through?

  5. We hear a lot about storytelling – why is that important?

  6. What does it mean to tell a story when you have only a few seconds of on-air time at a stretch?

  7. What’s the difference between Young talent and older talent?

  8. What can talent learn from Donald Trump?

  9. You have said that radio is losing its best and brightest to podcasting. Explain.

Watch this Q&A – you will definitely want to share it with any of your peers who work in front of a mic.

This is one of many videos I’ll be sharing from hivio 2016.

You’ll find them first here in this blog.


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