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Let’s Cut the Crap: Radio starts with People and Content

If you've been waiting for a major broadcaster to say what everyone in any wing of the entertainment industry knows – that entertainment media begin and end with people and content – then get ready for a treat.

It's time to talk back to the bean-counters.  It's time to remind your lenders that the only reason you're worth lending to is because audiences – real people – care about and connect with the people behind your mics and the content that wraps around them.

This is not simply about how to excel at PPM.  It's about how to excel as brands worth loving over the long run, no matter how the audience is measured.

Craig Bruce is content head for Austereo – one of Australia's leading broadcasters, and he is on an expedition to listen.

To you.  

And he is not psyched about what he's hearing.  

Tune in to this video conversation and see for yourself.

If you want just the audio, then click here.

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Craig and Austereo are embracing the primacy of content – across all platforms.  They're using streams as brand extensions, not simply as re-purposing opportunities for over-the-air content.  They're obsessed with innovation and the need to innovate.  They no longer have a thing called the "program director."

There's a lot you can learn from Craig.


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