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How to Make Your Message “Viral” – Growth Hacker Mark Middo at hivio 2014


How do you make your audio brand go “viral”?

Mark Middo should know. He’s a “growth hacker,” an entrepreneur who builds growth into the DNA of his product at low cost and without spending big money on marketing or advertising.

Growth hacking is at the heart of how today’s hot tech startups get off the ground. No wonder Mark was a hit at hivio 2014.

Among the questions he addresses:

  1. What is “growth hacking”?

  2. How can players in the audio space build in growth to their products and platforms?

  3. What is the role of gathering leads for audio brands? Very few radio brands, for example, bother with this. Even in non-commercial radio there’s little lead nurturing, yet these brands are directly supported by listeners

  4. How can growth hacking help audio brands build hype and excitement around their products?

  5. If you launched an audio brand, how would you do it?

If you’re serious about marketing your audio brand, this Q&A is must-viewing!

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