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How to Build an Authentically Great Radio Brand

What is a “lifestyle brand”?

A “lifestyle brand” is your radio brand.  Even if we too often perceive it as nothing more than a “playlist with ornaments.”  Twist the music mix, add some imaging and some liners, and voila!  Radio brand!

Not so, says Sean Gailey, and he’s one to know.

Sean is “Creative Overlord” (don’t you love that title?) of JINX, a clothing and lifestyle brand built around self-described “geeks and gamers.”

Sean spends every day balancing the growth of his brand with the core values on which that growth depends.  Watch the way he talks about the decisions he makes every day.  Watch the way he describes the importance of living the brand’s lifestyle and expressing that lifestyle with authenticity.

Watch the way Sean talks about the critical importance of innovation and risk-taking and going “one step beyond” and saying “no” to whatever violates the integrity of the brand.

As you watch this, it will not escape your notice that what Sean is describing is hands-on marketing and branding.  Not marketing by remote control from some distant market, but the kind of marketing that comes from being in direct contact with the folks who count most – the consumers.

At the heart of it all is passion.

Passion that infects audiences and employees alike.

Passion in the presence of a brand that merits it and inspires it.

That’s what a “lifestyle brand” is, and it’s what your brand should be.

Great lessons here for all broadcasters in every market size.  Watch this:

Prefer audio?  Try this:

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