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Your Brand Must Create a Lasting Impression

It’s really the essence of branding.

Creating an impression which lasts.

This is forgotten when we obsess on legendary call letters even when the legend is only in our minds, not the audience’s.

It’s forgotten when we focus on today and don’t bother to build for audiences yet to come.

A great brand is like a PIXAR movie (and most PIXAR movies are, indeed, great brands) – it’s always fresh and worth enjoying again for reasons anew.

I was having a conversation with a big-time radio producer and programmer, recently, and I asked “where is the up-and-coming young radio talent?”

His answer:  “On YouTube.”  And he corrals talent for a living, folks.

Lasting impressions require a frontier which extends beyond the current fiscal quarter and beyond the conventional jock-hunt.  It requires a readiness and willingness to create entertainment (and information) across platforms.  Exactly where the audiences are.

To do otherwise is to take my fossil metaphor a bit too literally and become locked into the past forever.

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