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Triton’s Mike Agovino on Radio’s Social Media Future


Last week I ranted about the scope of radio’s social media problem (strongly recommended reading).  Like it or not, control has shifted from the companies who own the media licenses to the consumers who own the new tools of media.  And with that shift comes a new opportunity.

What will it take for radio to grapple with this challenge and this opportunity?

While Triton Media is not alone is pursuing an answer to this problem, they certainly seem to be first out of the gate.  I have seen a preview of their soon-to-bow solution, and it is bound to shake things up in the U.S. and abroad.

In this video, Triton Media COO Mike Agovino talks about the significance of their new deal with social media on-ramp provider Janrain. What will this mean for radio, and how important is it for radio to deliver more value to audiences above and beyond what comes out of the proverbial speakers?

Later this week I’ll be covering the Janrain side of this coin.  But today, dig into this rare conversation with one of radio’s digital media leaders.

And if you prefer the audio version of this conversation, here it is:

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes.)

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