Janrain is one of a new breed of companies out to help brands like yours leverage social media to dramatically increase consumer engagement, spike site registration with a proverbial flip of a switch, and transform your consumers into brand ambassadors. Your consumers spread your messages – with all the authenticity and authority and effectiveness that you don’t possess otherwise.
This type of service is, in other words, a very big deal.
I’ve been talking about social media a lot lately not only because radio as an industry is so horribly deficient in this area in general, but also because it represents a vast opportunity for us all. And it’s one that’s well within reach.
Watch this conversation with Janrain CEO Brian Kissel and see if all the pieces don’t start fitting together in your mind. The fix is within your grasp. Go for it.
Janrain works for a slew of major brands and media companies ranging from Fox News to Kodak to National Geographic to Universal Music. And now they work for radio.
What do these mega-brands know that you don’t?
Find out in this video.
This topic is easily one of the most important you’ll read about and view in 2010, so give it the attention it’s due.
Prefer the audio-only version? Here it is:
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