Everybody wants to know what’s just over the horizon for radio. That’s why I talked with BIA/Kelsey’s Managing Director Rick Ducey about their new report, “The Internet Radio Revolution Has Arrived,” a fresh look at how platforms, services, audiences and advertisers are reinventing audio.
(Lesson number one: Think “audio,” not “radio.”)
“Radio has a strong future,” says Rick, “but there are challenges.”
Digital will soon make up a third of media spend, Rick tells me, and for audio specifically, 21% of the overall audio advertising market will go to digital audio within the next four years. That means less than 80% of the audio ad dollar will go to “traditional” radio by 2020!
We also discuss some of the amazing ways advertisers are integrating ads on digital audio platforms.
What are the consequences of all this for radio?
Watch Rick answer that question in this video:
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