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Your Audience is People – Not PPM Gadgets

It’s easy to make the mistake – the one that confuses PPM gadgets with flesh-and-blood people.

So much of our success and failure hinges on ratings, we forget that ratings don’t exist without people.  And worshiping ratings without worshiping the red-blooded people it takes to make those ratings isn’t just putting the proverbial cart before the horse, it’s imagining the cart doesn’t even need the horse.

That’s what I address in this video.

Ultimately, media products and services built for PPM rather than for people will…

  1. Be devoid of heart or soul

  2. Be built for the next quarter rather than the next consumer

  3. Be based on flimsy distinctions masquerading as a “position”

  4. Be ignorant of the medium’s potential to expand across digital media

Please don’t make that mistake.  Watch this video:

Prefer audio?  Try this:

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.  You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).

As an aside, I’d like to thank all of you who have viewed these videos over the past couple years.  I am happy to report that my videos have now been viewed more than 100,000 times, and that’s a lot in a vertical B2B market like this one.


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