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The Future of Online Radio – Talking with Slacker’s Jonathan Sasse

What’s the future of online radio?

Talk to some broadcasters and they’ll claim that mobile device manufacturers hate online radio because of the bandwidth usage.  Not so, says Jonathan Sasse, VP Marketing for Slacker, one of the leading personalized online radio services.

Talk to some broadcasters and they’ll claim there’s no money to be made from streaming.  Not so, once again, says Jonathan.

Talk to some broadcasters and you’ll get a picture of the auto dashboard of the future that includes HD radio – maybe.  That’s way too narrow a view, says Jonathan.  No longer will you “get what you get” when you buy a car.  In the very near future, the entertainment center in your car is going to look like the device in your pocket, not the one in your clunker.

I think this conversation is hugely important for you to see and hear, because Slacker is at the forefront of the integration of radio and technology and value and mobility.  In other words, it wraps all the emerging trends into one proposition.

Jonathan also offers his perspective on the radio industry’s digital progress. To paraphrase Jonathan, the future isn’t about replicating the over-the-air experience, it’s about providing a new experience that fits the advantages of a new platform and the ever-growing wants of consumers.

As an industry, radio spends far too much time contemplating its navel and trying to preserve its past, and not nearly enough time considering the wants and needs of a cross-platform consumer base.

Watch this video.  And make it required viewing for your staff.

This is part one of my conversation with Jonathan.  In part two, we will discuss a major announcement coming from Slacker this week and the consequences of that announcement for the user experience.

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