Plenty of broadcasters are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to simulcast their radio stations over their online streams, including 100 percent of their over-the-air spots.
Right now, some sticky AFTRA rules preclude this for the most part.
If we’re lucky, the thinking goes, the stream will add to the over-the-air credit and we’ll be rewarded with a bounty at ratings time.
This thinking is not only wrong, it’s short-sighted and hazardous.
The odds are very much against any more than a chance tick in the Arbitron ratings thanks to the stream. Besides, if our philosophy is to use simulcasts to spiff our ratings, then why not open a hundred streams, all simulcast? Think of the ratings bonanza!
The reason why this thinking is hazardous – besides the sheer odds against it paying off in the ratings – is because of the huge potential revenue pool which will be surrendered. Surrendered to digital or pure-play online radio alternatives. Surrendered to an industry which is not radio. Needlessly.
What am I talking about? Just tune in to this conversation with AndoMedia Group’s COO Paul Krasinski (it’s the second in my two-part conversation – here’s part one).
Online radio is an opportunity for new approaches, new content streams, new selling strategies. Online radio is not “radio” – it’s different from radio.
And it’s fruit is yours for the picking.
Or not.
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