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Pandora Today and Tomorrow – Pandora CEO Joe Kennedy (Part 2)


This is part two of my two-part conversation with Pandora CEO Joe Kennedy (you can find part one here).

By far the best known player in the online radio field, Pandora has now topped 75 million registered users.  And with its introduction into Detroit’s auto cycle the obvious question is:  How high is up?

Here are some of the questions Joe and I address in this conversation:

  1. Just how customized is Pandora’s advertising?

  2. How critical is that initial registration in providing value to advertisers?

  3. How much of the advertising is national, regional, and local?

  4. What can terrestrial broadcasters learn from Pandora?

  5. Do you see broadcast radio and Pandora as competitors or as media which can peacefully coexist?

  6. What is the purpose that drives you and the crew at Pandora as you start each day?

Pay special attention to the answer to that last question.  Because that driving purpose, that emotion-packed mission that a team, a staff, a company can get behind, that’s why Pandora is destined for success.  There never has been a company which can sustain success without this kind of passion.  I hope it lives and breathes in your ranks.

Enjoy this probing and thoughtful conversation (click below).

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