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Uncovering Glenn Beck’s Digital Secrets


When you have a platform as powerful as Glenn Beck, it sure makes sense to extend brand tentacles into a variety of areas, including digital.

At the heart of Glenn Beck’s digital strategy are his Insider member platforms. Exclusive content – by subscription.

And it’s working.

I talked with Chris Balfe, President/COO of Glenn’s company, Mercury Radio Arts.

I wanted to know how much work goes into this digital platform, where the ideas come from, whether this is a model other talents should follow, how to decide what to give away for free and for a fee, and whether it is all worth it or not.

What Chris and Glenn so clearly understand is that a radio show is not good enough.  When you have a talent and an audience you are a brand, and brands are not owned by any one platform.  Your obligation – and your opportunity – is to share your bits and pieces across many platforms.

And you don’t need to share them all for free.

Check out my conversation with Chris to hear about the Glenn Beck strategy and how you can learn from it.

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