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Think of Your Digital Platform as a Relationship Engine

One of my regular themes is that broadcasters must do a much better job of monetizing the conversation – the relationship – they have with their consumers.

The average broadcaster views digital monetization as a process of making money from their website, especially via display ads.  This is not only scratching the surface, but it’s scratching the wrong surface.

And worse, many programmers are incentivized on web traffic under the assumption that it’s better when more folks go to their website. While that’s not wrong, it creates a natural tendency for programmers to “promote” their webiste rather than create content which naturally (and via promotion) attracts audience and monetizes those relationships no matter where they occur.

And that brings me to Zambig.

Zambig is a platform that allows consumers to interact with broadcast brands off the brand’s website and monetizes those interactions there, too.

In a nutshell, the platform allows fans to click to record their own voice, share it with their friends, and have their recordings heard on their favorite radio station in the context of some content element created (and monetized by) the station.

For example….

Listeners can share comments with DJ’s, record soundtracks spoofing popular viral media campaigns, and compete for prizes. With one click, users post their personal recordings which can then be shared on their social network.

Check out this video for an illustration:

Again, the key here is that this is a way to provide value to consumers, spur interaction, and monetize your relationships with them and your advertisers OFF your own website.

We have to stop thinking of our digital platform as simply a destination and think of it more as a relationship engine.

Welcome to the new sandbox.

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