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Go Big or Go Home



If you are in Nashville for the Country Radio Seminar, stop by my presentation at 11am on Thursday, February 20.


Here’s the description:

Radio is suffering a crisis of attention. The time spent with radio is declining as attention scatters to sexy alternatives. The solution to this problem is not more social media, better apps, a slicker stream, or some new techno-integration in the auto dashboard. The solution is to understand what “jobs” consumers are “hiring” radio brands for and how easy or hard it is for those “jobs” to be disrupted by other media and other technology. This presentation spells out what type of content is radio’s best bet for its future. It also reinforces the idea that “more” isn’t necessarily “better” – that consumers don’t just crave personalization and choice, they also crave blockbusters. This is not a session about digital. It’s a session about radio’s path to the future.

Come watch and you’ll see a few things that may be familiar, but you’ll also get a taste of the presentation I’m cooking up for hivio 2014, the audio future festival, this June in San Diego. And that show-and-tell will be all about the power of hits and blockbusters in the radio ecosystem of tomorrow.

The location of the presentation is NCC, Level 2, Room 204-205 – 11am on Thursday!

And what does all that have to do with “go big or go home”?

Stop by and find out.

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