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Apr 7, 2013
Sirius XM’s Take on Personalization
Personalization is a rainbow extending all the way from “lowest common denominator” to “all mine.” The former is what you get on the...
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Feb 28, 2012
SiriusXM is Stealing Your Fans
It’s largely off the radar for most broadcasters but I have noticed something interesting in the past year or so: Satellite radio is...
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Dec 14, 2011
Why I like SiriusXM’s new Mobile App
It hasn’t gotten a ton of attention, but SiriusXM’s recently revised mobile apps add some functionality which I think makes a dramatic...
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Dec 11, 2010
5 Reasons Sirius/XM does not need to fear Pandora
Pandora and other online radio pure-plays want to be in the car, and that will mean trouble for Sirius/XM, right? After all, Pandora et....
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Sep 18, 2010
An On-Demand World? Somebody tell Sirius XM
It’s an on-demand world. How many times have you heard that? Consumers – especially younger ones – can’t begin to fathom anything as...
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Sep 8, 2010
Getting Sirius about Howard Stern’s Next Step
From Inside Radio: Analysts: Sirius XM “would be fine” without Stern. The satcaster’s high penetration in automobiles and partnerships...
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Sep 3, 2010
It’s not a Digital-or-Radio either-or thing. It’s Both.
Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of Gary Vaynerchuk, a guy who would not exist in the public spotlight were it not for all...
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Jul 26, 2010
Howard Stern will stay at Sirius XM
Here’s why: 1. Less is More on Satellite Radio A little bit of name value goes a long way. Howard currently works four days a week with...
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Jun 8, 2010
Remember when Sirius/XM was a technological advancement?
But in the midst of this growth, Sirius/XM has lost something which has gone virtually unnoticed: Portable units. Maybe these things...
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Sep 8, 2009
If I Were Howard Stern…
This is a no-brainer as far as I’m concerned, which is why it has been a model I have talked about with Sirius/XM and Team Stern for...
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Jun 18, 2009
Next up, the dedicated Howard Stern app
Here it is, finally. The too-long awaited Sirius XM iPhone app. And…drumroll please…no Howard Stern, no Oprah. Watch this absurdly...
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Apr 8, 2009
Will iPods kill Satellite Radio?
From Computerworld: The…rumor is that Apple will ship in June or July a new iPhone and a new iPod Touch [which will be able to] broadcast...
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Mar 31, 2009
Sirius XM’s “Slack”-down
There's nothing new in this piece about the challenges facing satellite radio in a Slacker-ized, Pandora-ted world that you haven't been...
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Feb 12, 2009
Will a Sirius XM bankruptcy be good for shareholders?
You read that right. Check out this incredible forensic analysis of Sirius XM from SiriusBuzz which may suggest the seemingly impossible:...
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Oct 15, 2008
If the Discovery Channel can do it, why can’t Sirius/XM?
From Bloomburg: Discovery Communications Inc., owner of the Discovery television channel, plans to sell more content to broadcasters to...
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Sep 11, 2008
The “Free” Future of Satellite Radio
From Inside Radio: Sirius drops below $1 as subscriber growth evaporates. Selling a pay radio service is an uphill battle in a decent...
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Sep 4, 2008
An open letter to Satellite Radio
Dear Satellite Radio: You have 20 million subscribers, and you have the name, address, and email for all of us. How come you have never...
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Jul 29, 2008
“Sirius XM Radio, Inc.” – What’s in a name?
Or, more to the point, what’s not in a name. “Satellite.” Most likely Sirius XM realizes what all radio stations should realize: That...
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Jul 24, 2008
Sirius/XM Merger – the Wall Street Journal’s take
Here’s a nice overview of the (finally) approved Sirius/XM merger from the Wall Street Journal: What I find most interesting about this...
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Jul 23, 2008
NAB’s next move after XM/Sirius merger
Then what happens? An appeal by the NAB to the D.C. Court of Appeals is probable, intended to slow down the crossed t’s and dotted i’s....
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