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The Most Important Question you should ask about your Radio Brand’s Website

“What should I do with my website?”

That’s one of the most common questions broadcasters ask.

And it’s quickly followed by “Can you show me an example of one of my peers doing a really good job with their website?”

There’s nothing wrong with a point of reference – unless it substitutes for a digital strategy, as it almost always does.

Look, digital is hard.  I know.  Especially when you’re profitably selling spots yet still trying to rub two sticks together to build a digital platform.

But it gets a lot harder when you dive in without asking what I think is the most important question of all.

Watch for yourself.

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This clip – and others I will be sharing – are from my recent keynote session at the 2011 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville. Thanks to the kind crowd in Nashville for all their hospitality a couple weeks ago!

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