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Social Media Week comes to Mark Ramsey Media

It’s social media week here on the MRM blog!

I’m going to kick off with a conversation about Facebook – does it matter for your broadcast platform? I’ll give you three reasons why it does in the video here:

I will not be covering the “how to” basics here.  Those are everywhere online and in the bookstore. Instead, I’m going to address certain key issues that relate specifically to broadcasters.

Those will include highlights like these:

  1. A conversation with Social Media Examiner founder Michael Stelzner on how social media can help radio build a massively big audience on-air and online (that’s tomorrow)

  2. Examples of how broadcasters and others are stoking fan interest in their Facebook pages

  3. A chat with Radio’s own Tracy Johnson about how he is integrating Facebook with contesting efforts and magnifying the impact of both

So stay tuned to the blog this week for tips on how to make your social media efforts stronger and more integrated with everything else you do.

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.  You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).

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