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Dear Media: We Hoaxed You! Love, Taylor Swift and Apple Music


Was the Taylor Swift / Apple Music dustup nothing more than a premeditated hoax?

Maybe! Listen to our argument!


“I Want My MTV” is out, and “I AM My MTV” is in, but will anybody care?

It’s episode 22 of Media Unplugged with branding authority Tom Asacker and media strategist Mark Ramsey.

Plus, rants and raves about Amazon’s trend-setting plan to pay some self-published authors based on the number of pages read, and the one irrefutable, universal law of podcasting success – or not.

Listen as we go inside media to reveal the ugly truth!

Click the play button below:

And if you’re reading this by email, click here for the audio.

For show notes go to the Media Unplugged site.

And if you like what Tom and I are doing, please leave a comment on those sites!

(For you RSS jockeys, here’s the feed).

And tweet us at @tomasacker and @markramseymedia using #mediaunplugged if you have any comments or content ideas.

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