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What Radio Group Head said this….

We need to be everywhere. Our challenge…is to effectively monetize [our distribution ventures] so that we do not end up trading analog dollars for digital pennies. This is the No. 1 challenge for everyone in this industry today. Following that, the industry’s next biggest challenge is to work with our advertising clients to create the next-generation advertising model. We are building on our 360 sales efforts, with expanded Internet extensions and vertical ad networks encompassing conventional media and the Internet. We are in the middle of a wrenching analog-to-digital transition, marked by game-changing technological developments and profound shifts in consumer behavior. All of that demands a re-engineering of our businesses from top to bottom.

What radio group head said this?


And that’s the problem.

The comments are from NBCU CEO Jeff Zucker in his keynote at the NATPE 08.

In radio, what isn’t said speaks volumes.

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