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Web Radio listeners revealed

Here are some highlights from a BIGresearch study of Web Radio listeners:

– 74.5% are between 18 and 44, Male, 59.6% – Average household income of $54,334 (that’s high) – 7.2% of adults 18+ say they regularly listen to web radio (approximately 16 million) – 23.4% say they occasionally listen (approximately 52 million) – The Radio formats they prefer: Rock, Alternative, Oldies, Top 40/Pop and Talk

Five formats which should be streaming.

Methodological details are (as usual) hazy. I have no idea how these respondents were gathered. It appears to be a panel of 12,000 respondents – only some of which qualify for questions about Web Radio. So who knows what the real sample sizes are or how representative they might be. So once again I have to caution: Let the buyer beware.

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