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“Uh oh, Google ranks #1 25-54”

As I noted some time ago, cities around the country are looking hard at municipally funded Wi-Fi networks – free wireless access that’s univeral. In each case, the city would become one big FREE hotspot.

In San Francisco, Google’s proposal

…would support basic free municipal Internet access in San Francisco with advertising, and may offer a paid higher speed tier of services to residents for a fee, according to a proposal for the project. The company said it expected to sell local advertising and enable local businesses to target ads to specific geographical locations within a few block radius.

Um, did you see that?

Let me repeat it in case you didn’t.

…free [wireless] Internet access with advertising…enable local businesses to target ads to specific geographical locations within a few block radius.


Radio’s advantage is that it’s “local”? What happens when the Internet is more local than local radio? Where does that leave your advantage then?


Could it be…

unique and compelling content?

The sound you hear is HD Radio’s bubble bursting.

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