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Seth Godin is watching radio…

…and he noticed the recent Russ Oasis rant in Radio Ink.

Here’s what Seth had to say about this note and our industry:

I think it’s notable for the exasperation as well as the content. There are very few industries that can simultaneously change their tires at the same time they go 55 mph. The answer almost always seems to be independent action in the interest of the consumer, not tortured compromise that protects the current lineup of players.


Give the audience what it’s begging for. Don’t reinvent the wheel in order to preserve the radio industry’s status quo – its control over the audience.

Words of wisdom for the HD Radio zealots in the radio business.

An aside:

Seth, you’ll remember, was the keynoter at last year’s NAB Radio Show. As I looked across the room that day I got the unmistakable impression that folks weren’t hearing the words coming out of his mouth. How else to explain the lack of Q&A opportunities (Seth had a trip to run off to, but these things can be scheduled in advance – if the NAB had wanted to) and the evident lack of comprehension of the message.

Indeed, Seth has been saying the same thing for years, and we buy his books and fail to understand how his words apply to us.

His presence at the NAB, while welcome, was not altogether different from the presence of a new baby panda at the zoo. Everybody wants to see it so they can say they did.

But they leave the zoo unchanged.

This is not Seth’s fault.

It’s yours and mine.

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