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Public Radio thinks about its Mobile Future

Today I was honored to be a long-distance (by web cam) guest on a panel on the topic of mobile strategies for radio at the Public Radio Program Directors Conference in Cleveland.

I wanted to share a less-than-four-minute clip from that panel for you.

It's great that there's a dialogue about mobile strategies, and this is a very smart crowd. Still, we sometimes forget that consumers (and yes, we should think of listeners as consumers who decide what they will and will not consume) don't have any idea what our mobile apps should be.  They only know what they want and need in their own lives and what inspires them to use an app that didn't, until now, exist.

We've got to stop thinking about this from a radio-centric perspective and start putting the consumer's needs first.

Then and only then will we glimpse what radio can become instead of simply envisioning a new distribution channel for what it has always been.

Someday we'll throw open the API's for fans to mash-up their own creations.  I look forward to that day.

Enjoy the clip.

And thanks to Todd Mundt for making it all possible.

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