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How to Make Local Digital Sales More Effective

Local radio is now, more than ever, in the local media business.

And that means not just selling spots or selling digital ideas that live around those spots.  It also means helping your current and potential clients create better media themselves and compete more effectively in the digital space your radio brand doesn’t own.

But how to do that effectively and efficiently?

That’s where BuzzBoard comes in.

BuzzBoard is a complete digital presence analysis platform that enables reps to sell smarter. Reps can use it to easily pinpoint under-performing aspects of their customers’ web presence and generate proposals on the spot to turn those weaknesses intro strengths.

In the demo below, I talk to two representatives of vSplash, which created Buzzboard: Anthony Bratti and Neal Polachek. This is a cool and effective tool for any local radio team that wants to grow its digital business.

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.  You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).

Increasingly your radio platform will take on an “agency”-like role with potential clients.  Indeed, you have what no literal agency has:  The ability to combine every strategy with radio and a broad audience.

Disclosure:  I have nothing to disclose.  I just like this product a lot!

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