Here’s a thought from one reader:
It is the reason I went into radio and I have always felt that there was something magical, romantic and glamorous about radio. Reading your response to the RBR piece today struck a nerve. Radio was never those things to me because it was free. If we are going to mount a national campaign to make radio matter, shouldn’t we try to re-spark the audience’s imagination about the medium? Free doesn’t accomplish that goal, nor does a few pop-stars saying “you heard it first”. Radio has a romantic history, and I feel that a successful PR campaign should tap into an emotional vein that ignites the magical feeling people had about radio for so long. When the movie Industry felt threatened by VHS they mounted an emotional marketing appeal that really emphasized the magic of movie making and the essential nature of seeing a movie on the big screen. There is nothing endearing about Avril saying you heard it here first or you heard it here free. What if Avril said, “I set out to make music because I one day I wanted to hear my music on the radio just like the artists I grew up listening to Madonna, Alanis, etc…” It better defines the medium as relevant and important and it emotionally invests Avril in radio. The current campaign requires no real personal connection for the spokes person, so they are just hollow talking heads. I am playing the PR game in my own head to find a way to capture those original ideals and emotions I had about radio and create a meaningful campaign. Thanks, Chris Williams