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Help me tell American Radio’s Story to the World


Later this month I will be presenting at the European Radiodays Conference in Copenhagen.  The topic is "The American Way – Radio in the homeland of Apple & Google."

And since I'm speaking for an entire nation, I'd like your input to the making of this presentation!

Here's the way the presentation is described:

For many years European radio has learned a lot from American radio. Today the situation has changed a bit as the markets are quite different. But there are still lessons to be learned from US – the homeland of Apple and Google. But what are the news trends over there? What formats are working – and what formats are coming up both in terms of station, content and much more. What are the latest developments within US radio. You get a wide perspective on US radio right now – this is what European radio can learn from US radio right now.

So here's your chance to express your ideas to an International audience of broadcasters.

Here's what you can do:

1.  "Fan" me at and you'll be in the loop on ideas as they arise (that's the spot where you not only get all these blog posts but also tons of other timely tidbit-sized tips on radio's future).

2.  Go to my Facebook discussion page here:

3.  At that discussion topic, enter your ideas!

4.  Come back later this month and I'll share the complete presentation with you!

My effort in this blog and in all my digital assets is to provide you with value that provokes and informs – stuff you can use in your job and your career.

My hope is that this presentation is on track with that goal.

I'll make sure to include your names in the postscript to the presentation!

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