Let me try to explain this so it’s clear:
Podcasts are mp3 files that download automatically to the listener’s computer and transfer automatically to his or her iPod or other media device.
I have already posted a piece saying this is going to be a huge phenomenon – I’ve also posted links for you to find out more.
I have already suggested that Radio should jump into this fray with podcasts of its own programming in order to spread the word and attract new fans.
Would it motivate you further if I tell you that your advertisers are doing this without you? That is, your advertisers are creating short form audio programming that plugs their product and is passively downloadable to mp3 players. Hmm, audio infotainment spots…passively downloaded…to a portable player. Sounds like Radio advertising to me! Or a substitute for it – where you make nada.
See the trend begin at Heineken’s web page and download their first podcast here or copy the url of this RSS feed into your RSS reader (if you don’t know what that is, ask your kids) so Heineken can advertise directly…er…send you Heineken music updates automatically…without all the bother of a Radio Station intermediary.
It’s advertising without interruption. It’s free. It doesn’t involve you. You make no revenue.
Are you paying attention yet?