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Concentration of Marketing Force

There’s a lot a radio station can learn about marketing from the folks who market movies, and one of the best lessons is the one called Concentration of Force.

For example, this weekend Nicole Kidman’s new movie Bewitched opens.

Not coincidentally, tomorrow marks the release of season one from the original TV show Bewitched (both in natural B&W and artificial color).

Now, the old Bewitched show has been ready to go DVD for years. But the release of the season one set was timed for this moment because the studio knows full well that publicity and interest for one form of Bewitched will feed publicity and interest for the other.

In Radio we have this quaint notion that we should spread out our marketing to leave no time periods barren. But this is flawed. Every element of marketing should converge at one point in time in order to have maximum effect.

And if you want to market later in the year, then budget accordingly. Because every element will have to converge again.

Look at it this way, you can stretch a rubber band to make it longer, but that only makes it thinner, weaker, and more likely to snap.

The movie folks didn’t invent these rules. But they know how to make the most of them.

So should we.

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