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Bob Garfield to Radio: “You’re all F**ked”

Does radio want a makeover by an authority who tells us we're ugly?  An authority who works on the radio, yet?

If the makeover works, yes!  Because like it or not, that's what you get from Bob Garfield, former critic for Ad Age and author of the recent The Chaos Scenario

, a book that details why media is going to Hell, and what we can all do about it.

Bob spoke at this week's British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Conference in Victoria BC.

"What Mark said," Bob quipped as he took the stage after my presentation (which I'll share bits of with you later).

So push through the painful early part of these highlights to get to the meaty recipes in the second half. His critique hits below the belt, but his answers are right on.

And for your audiophiles, here's the mp3 version.

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While we will squirm at Bob's characterization of radio (which is not completely wrong but not completely right for lots of reasons), there is no denying the wisdom of Bob's advice:  

The win will go to he or she who listens.

We can chide Bob for his bedside manner later.

For more from Bob, check out the interview posted previously here.

[Remember you can find all my video archived at iTunes here]

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