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A big announcement from the Radio Marketing Nexus

I’m very proud to announce that the Radio Marketing Nexus is the newest member of the Corante Media Hub. That means all of the material you see posted here will also be posted there, along with contributions from lots of other folks at the leading edge of media.

In case you don’t know, Corante is, in their own words: Home to some of the blogosphere’s most respected and insightful thought leaders, Corante currently attracts more than 18 million page views a month, continues to grow rapidly, and ranks among the top 25 most-linked to sites, according to Technorati.

It is, in other words, a “hub” for content from people at the cutting edge of the media industries. And I am very pleased to be part of their group.

Included in their roster of contributers along with me is Howard Rheingold, author and one of the world’s foremost authorities on the social implications of technology, and Douglas Rushkoff, another brilliant social theorist (and former interview subject here at the Nexus). And over on the marketing side of Corante are smart experts like Tom Asacker and Marc E. Babej. It’s like the coolest cocktail party of all time!

What this means in a nutshell is that the influence of this blog will become ever greater.

And as we make more announcements in the coming weeks, you’ll see why that will matter.

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