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Advertisers are moving to Digital – faster than ever


Marketers are continuing to put their ad dollars online at the expense of print advertising, according to a survey report from Eloqua covering the opinions of 200 corporate marketers, which found that 55% of marketers anticipate a decrease in print ad spend three years from now.

[details from Marketing Charts]

Online advertising spend is expected grow at a rapid rate, with 90% of marketers saying they will continue to increase their direct online advertising budgets – and 15% saying they will “radically” increase online ad spend.

Moreover, some 78% of marketers say they will increase their social media spend; 74% say they will increase their direct email spend; and 65% say they will increase their mobile texting/SMS spend.

Overall, more than 40% of marketers have radically increased their budgets for online advertising from three years ago.

In general, print advertising, direct mail and broadcast spend remained the same vs. three years ago

Accountability pressure is growing: 86% of marketers say pressure has increased on them to account for results; no one said that the pressure has decreased. Moreover, 68% of organizations are measuring the quantifiable contribution of marketing to the bottom line.

Marketing budgets have increased over the past three year: 72% have had an increase in marketing budget, with nearly 50% increasing more than 10% and 11% increasing more than 50%.

Marketing growth is continuing despite a down market: 95% say they will maintain or increase their marketing staff over the next three years.

Message to radio: You’re no longer in the advertising business. You’re in the results business.

So which are you selling, advertising or results?

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