
Jul 13, 20112 min

Why Should I “Like” You on Facebook?

No, I don’t want you to tell me.  I want you to show me.

When I get to your Facebook page why should I click the “Like” button?

I am constantly amazed that so few radio stations have bothered to install the most rudimentary element of any Facebook fan destination – the landing page.

Here, for example, is the Facebook page for a leading News/Talk station (I don’t mean to pick on these guys.  I literally picked them at random from thousands of similar pages).  (Ignore the unfortunate fact that this particular News/Talk station hasn’t updated their feed since yesterday at 3:50pm).

This is my first exposure to their page and I have no incentive whatsoever to click “Like.”  Even if the content were up to date and compelling that’s not enough.

Compare that to this page from Philly’s legendary WMMR:

Voila!  A landing page!  And one that:

  1. Spells out the benefits of “liking” the brand

  2. “Asks for the order”

  3. Even includes a very fun and brand-appropriate video from MMR’s Pierre Robert and his four-legged friend.

Which of these brands are you most likely to “like,” all other things equal?

The more specific, universal, and brand-related your offer, the better.

Take a look at this example from Peets Coffee:

“Like” Peets and get a free coffee.  Again, it doesn’t get much simpler.

Even on my own Facebook page there’s a free e-book offer for anyone so interested, and it’s one “Like” away (and yes, I have my own motivational video – unfortunately it doesn’t also feature my dog).

This stuff is so easy it’s ridiculous that every broadcaster doesn’t do it.

Now to answer the obvious question:  Why should you care about whether or not people “like” you on Facebook? In other words, why bother at all?

The answer is incredibly simple:  When folks “like” you your updates become part of their newsfeed which they can share with others to create word-of-mouth and do your promotion for free.

Why build “likes”?  Because fans are your best marketing and promotional weapon.  Especially the fans who “like” you.

It doesn’t get simpler than that.

Stop counting “likes” and start facilitating them.

#radio #wmmr #hear20 #peets #markramsey #Media #socialmedia #facebook #radioindustry #newstalk #klbj #markramseymedia #hear2com #like
