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Probing Radio and Social Media

What does radio have to do with social media and vice versa?

Last week I was honored to speak with Cantore Creative founder Chris Cantore at the latest Social Media Breakfast meeting in San Diego.

Cantore is knee-deep in social media and other cross-platform media projects for broadcasters and brands.  And the crowd that gathered that morning was full of digital natives, technologists, PR and agency pros, and brand reps.

Number of working radio folks in attendance besides Chris and me: Zero by my count.

Even with a free breakfast at stake.

And for the record, nobody who self-identified as being from TV or print, either.

Nevertheless, we spent the hour explaining, among other things, how radio can take a social media campaign into hyperspeed, how radio does and could engage more actively in social media, and how trends facing the industry will change it but not diminish it, assuming we are open to change.

For your listening pleasure I recorded the session, and you can listen to it here:

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.  You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).

The host is BJ Cook from Digital Operative, a San Diego digital agency.

You can also watch a recording of the session on video – it was streamed live. But the audio version is better quality.

The Social Media Breakfast is a nationwide grassroots effort, so you may have one in your market.  I suggest you go.  What you’ll find is a large number of young and enthusiastic marketers, advertising, and brand people who take for granted that technology infuses every aspect of their lives and their work.  This is not only the shape of your audience to come, it’s the shape of your clients to come.

Get to know them.

Thanks to the San Diego Social Media Breakfast for inviting me to be at the great event at Smashburger.

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