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Listener Engagement: Oprah shows how it’s done

When you have the attention of hundreds of thousands of ears, as many radio stations do, are you in the business of selling ads to those ears or of engaging what’s between those ears in whatever cause benefits you, your audience, and your advertisers?

Oprah’s loudspeaker may be bigger and louder than yours, but only relatively so.

Already, 700,000 people have signed up to participate. And that’s before the first class. One can assume that more than 1 million people will participate in this program. Now that’s what I call “engagement.”

You have to be a member of Oprah’s online community in order to participate (note the use of words, radio stations: “Member,” not “VIP” or “Frequent Watcher.” “Community,” not “Database” or “Club.”) The value in having a loudspeaker is that you can move ears fast and en masse.

But you can only move them where they want to go.

Can you turn your client’s product or service into events that will attract listener signups and participation by the truckload?

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