Talk to many broadcasters and you’ll hear a common refrain: We wish we could simulcast our on-air spots with our online ones and bundle those impressions in one Arbitron number.
Well, be careful what you wish for.
AFTRA rules get in the way of simulcasting these spots on-air and online in the US, but in the UK there is no such restriction and broadcasters are free to simulcast spots or split them as they wish. Historically, most have simulcasted. But now that is beginning to change.
Clive Dickens has this piece of advice for any US broadcaster hoping to lump these spots together:
Don’t do it!
Clive is COO of Absolute Radio, one of the UK’s three largest national commercial broadcasters. And in this conversation he explains why his company chooses to do what broadcasters in the US have been trying not to do: Monetize the in-stream ads separately from the ones over the air, add more value to consumers and advertisers alike, and increase overall revenue.
Clive explains what Absolute is doing, how they’re doing it, and why you should never be doing anything else.
I strongly recommend you watch or listen to this conversation. Clive makes a very strong and credible case.
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