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CCU’s evidence that “Less is More” is working

I’d very much like to see an independent assessment of the evidence quoted here from Clear Channel.

Meanwhile, if these trends are true it’s a pretty strong story favoring “Less is More.”

But here’s the section that burns me up:

While ad industry execs agree that lower ad clutter levels generally lead to higher ad recall and effectiveness, some critics have argued that Clear Channel’s initiative, which officially began Dec. 15, 2004, is a ploy to get advertisers to pay more for less: higher ad rates for shorter-format commercials.

So in other words, advertisers – the very folks who are so keen on Radio being more accountable – take exception to the notion that they would have to pay more for shorter spots, regardless of whether or not those spots were as or more effective than the longer variety.

It’s no wonder broadcasters don’t particularly trust the promises of advertisers as we speed towards a PPM model.

Someday, the advertising community will measure “accountability” in terms of product sold, not simply messages delivered.

But judging from the complaints above, someday is certainly not today.

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