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Aug 21, 2014
Introducing “Media Unplugged” with Mark Ramsey and Tom Asacker
So what’s really going on in media today? What are the critical trends we need to focus on, and what do they mean for our future? It’s...
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Apr 9, 2014
What Radio’s Changing Audience Demos Means for You
As you consider your target audience, don’t forget that target keeps moving. And it has profound implications for radio. Check out this...
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Dec 6, 2010
A Media Lesson from a Bug
One of my favorite themes is that much of what limits radio’s potential is of our own making. When we think too narrowly about what we...
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Jul 14, 2010
How Change will Transform Media
But what’s the best way for broadcasters to cope with that change and leverage it to their advantage? Pip Coburn knows the answer. Pip...
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