7 Days of Seth – Chapter 1
In Chapter 1, Seth talks about the importance of “hits” in a “long tail” world, and radio’s role in creating those hits. “7 Days of Seth”...
7 Days of Seth – Chapter 1
Are you Targeting the “Average” Listener?
Coming in one week: “7 Days of Seth”
Proof that packaging matters
A great branding presentation
“There’s something on your chin”
Preview of Seth Godin’s new book
What does P&G know that you don’t know?
“We need to shout louder”
Punk Marketing Manifesto
How to market your station via email
Your talent can host a webinar
Should Country stations specifically chase Hispanics?
Marketease 101
GoDaddy’s Marketing Advice
A different Super Bowl for marketers
People, not Abstractions
Does Radio have the “Power of Love”?
Harry Houdini’s lessons for radio marketers
“How are we doing?”