
Sep 8, 20091 min

The Digital Hotspot at This Year’s NAB Radio Show

If you're attending the NAB Radio Show this month in Philadelphia, bee-line to the only after-dark event by and for the digitally savvy crowd.

Yes, if you speak bits-and-bytes, this is the party for you.

I'll be there, and I'd love to buy you a drink.  And I am not only saying that because there's an open bar.

Join me and the other people who usually come out at night only when the moon is full.

The shindig will be high atop the downtown offices of my friends at RedLasso, very close to the convention center.

As RedLasso puts it:

We are all completely invested in trying to help the radio industry find creative and powerful interactive solutions for this new digital age. We will gather the best in the Radio business, along with digital innovators and forward thinking thought leaders for one great event. Let’s join together, just blocks away from the convention floor, under the stars with an incredible view of Philadelphia, to exchange powerful ideas, have fun, and share a few beverages with our radio and technology friends. 

So I'll see you there under those stars or, in some cases, under a table.

More details are here.

It's sponsored by lots of the name brand companies you know, so you'll be in company that's sober about radio's future if not quite sober otherwise.

Say "hi" and challenge me to an arm-wrestle.

On a more serious note, I'm making appointments now for NAB, so if you want to connect and talk business, please reach out to me by email or phone:  1-858-485-6372.
